Impactful design is informed by meaningful research

Within our Thought Leadership & Knowledge Development work we write whitepapers, topical design guides and insights relating to, and beyond, Biophilic Design. 

The main focus has largely been related to human wellbeing in the built environment and the impact nature connections can have on improving this. Over the years, this has evolved, and whilst biophilia remains at the core of our practice, we have expanded the scope of our sustainable human-centred design thinking to include topics such as enhancing a sense of community through design, creating homes of the future, designing for sensory wellbeing, and the role of regenerative practices.


The value of our analysis

Our in-depth analysis of research keeps us up to date with current issues related to health and wellbeing in the built environment, and within society at large.

We translate this into insights which demonstrate the changing behaviours and needs across a range of sectors, from workplace and education to healthcare and hospitality, as well as retail, residential and urban planning.

Through our written reports we make the latest findings of academic research more accessible, explaining how and why it is relevant to the built environment. 

Helping our clients with their messaging to both businesses and consumers alike, to better understand the benefits of Biophilic Design, while demonstrating how they can be applied in real world scenarios. An essential aspect within our work is the business case, where we explain the true value of a wellbeing focused approach to businesses, building occupants, and the planet.